What is the Black Friday ?.

The Black Friday, we hear about it every year but do you know its origins?.
Black Friday has its origins in an American tradition that began in the 1960s and launched by American traders, the expression comes from the fact that the tradesmen wrote in red in their account books during the deficit periods and in black when the activity resumed. The Black Friday takes place every year the day after the Thanksgiving meal and launches the period Christmas shopping! This year it will begin on November 23, 2018
It has been booming in France and Europe for 4 years and many consumers are taking advantage of Black Friday to start their Christmas shopping or simply to have fun at the best price!
At Specktr we have reserved an EXCEPTIONAL promotion available only on Friday, November 23, 2018 ! Your Specktr Pro at a price never before seen, free shipping and a gift !
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